The training covered a number of important topics, such as culture learning, culture shock, and communicating the gospel cross-culturally. We also learned more about coaching, spiritual warfare, and participated in community visits around Huancayo where we were able to put into practice some of the things we were learning.
One particular highlight was studying 1 Thessalonians in community with our Peruvian brothers and sisters using inductive Bible study methods. We were excited to have the opportunity to read Scripture with those of other cultures! The Lord revealed powerful insights about the sacrifice of living out the gospel and the love that we as the Body of Christ should have for one another.
Emily really enjoyed the kids' program! She learned lots of new songs and was even quoting a scripture verse by the end: Psalm 139:9-10! She also told me one day as I was putting on her shoes: "Mama, God is with us wherever we go!" This has become a popular mantra around our house. We are so thankful to the wonderful MK leaders! The picture above was taken one day when they dressed up in traditional Peruivan dress. It has quickly become a hit!
We're back in the US now preparing for our quickly approaching departure! Thank you for your prayers as we work through the many details of this transition.
Psalm 139:9-10 - "If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast."
What a great verse for your sweet one to learn! Praying for you all as you continue to pack and prepare for this move.